Aims and Objectives NSSI
The Aim and objectives for which the Society is established are as follows
The Aims and objectives for which the Society is established are:-
- To encourage and advance the knowledge study and practice of the science of Neurological Surgery in all possible ways.
- To promote scientific collaboration of amongst
- To organize, directly or indirectly, practice, study and research in Neurological Surgery in any of its aspects.
- To establish and maintain research centres for the promotion of its objectives.
- To provide facilities to students, scholars and institutions for the study of or research in Neurological Surgery in any of its aspects by way of scholarships, fellowships, grants, endowments, etc.
- To found, maintain or award, either itself or in co-operation with other bodies or persons fellowships, prizes, certificates, diplomas of proficiency in the science of Neurological Surgery
- To print and publish official Journals of the society, books, periodicals or publications on Neurological Surgery and allied subjects which the society thinks desirable for the promotion of its objectives.
- To train up personnel for carrying out the objectives of the society and to incur necessary expenses for the purpose.
- To organize conferences, lectures, meetings, seminars, exhibitions for the promotion of its objectives.
- To facilitate formation/merging of branches / Sub – specialty chapters of the society whether in India or elsewhere, for promoting all or any of the objectives of the society.
- To consider and express its views on all questions affecting Neurosurgical problems in India and to study, suggest, criticize or otherwise, advise or take part in the framing of laws affecting the science and practice of Neurological Surgery.
- To co-operate, affiliate with other bodies and also to engage in such other forms of activities as may be decided upon by the society from time to time for the purpose of carrying out all or any of the objects of the society.
- To appoint officers and other staff as may be found necessary or convenient to conduct and manage of the affairs of the society and pay them such remuneration as may be prescribed from time to time.
- To do all such other things as may be necessary, incidental, conducive or convenient to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
- To facilitate development of Neurological Surgery including accreditation of Neurological Surgery.
- To receive and accept donations, gift, grants or contribution in kind or cash from any person or persons, association, companies, societies and Govt. or non Government organization for the aim and objectives for which the society is created.